
Save More Than Your Patients’ Vision

The combined efficiencies of the ALLY Robotic Cataract Laser System™ can have striking implications for your practice.

ALLY saves time for surgeons, staff, and patients while providing options for your practice to increase revenue or save on costs1

Improve efficiency before your patient even enters the room

The ALLY System was designed with surgeons in mind, allowing for easy integration into their preferred surgery center workflow.

  • Small footprint—the smallest of all cataract lasers—fits into any OR, in-office surgery suite, or laser room
  • Superior mobility
  • Quicker, easier docking

Accommodation for any surgical environment, surgeon preference, and any eye

Efficiencies at every step reduce procedure time

  • Wireless integration with pre-op diagnostic data
  • Iris registration replaces the need for manual preoperative ink marking‡ 
  • Automated configuration and procedure planning
  • Quick and easy docking
  • Automatic customized fragmentation patterns

World’s first and only tissue-specific laser enables incisions with exceptional accuracy and speed

ALLY’s robotic laser optimizes pulse width, rep rate, and energy based on the tissue being targeted.

ALLY saves 8 minutes vs other cataract laser systems with manual marking1

Time and Motion Study Conducted at Specialty Surgical Center of Beverly Hills

Sterile procedures save time and overhead

ALLY’s small footprint allows for sterile procedures in a single OR, eliminating the need for a dedicated laser room. A seamless transition between laser and phaco enhances surgical efficiency and reduces procedure time.

The fragmentation pattern assigned by the laser represents the most efficient method for lens extraction irrespective of nuclear density.8

Custom fragmentation patterns optimize time and energy

Powered by ALLY’s proprietary Scheimpflug imaging sysem, automatic cataract density imaging identifies morphology and density of cataracts to plan the best possible fragmentation pattern and optimize energy use and time.

Up to 27% reduction

in mean phaco time

compared to manual cataract surgery (1.73 sec vs 2.38 sec)9,10

10.4% reduction

in mean CDE

Customized laser fragmentation vs. standard phacoemulsification11

*Assumes 45 surgical days per year. †45% laser cataract surgery patient conversion rate. ‡ Based on surgeon preference. ¶ Compared to the LLS.


  1. Time and Motion Studies from Seven Surgical Facilities. Data on File, LENSAR 2024.
  2. Interview data from Taylor Strange, MD, Jack Chapman, MD, and Kirk Labor, MD. January 2024.
  3. Denise Visco, MD. Eyes of York. Estimated $100 cost per minute in the OR.
  4. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Average ASC reimbursement for a cataract patient of $1,104.
  5. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Average surgeon reimbursement for a cataract patient of $529.
  6. 2023 Premium Cataract Surgery Report. Market Scope. October 2023. Average of $1,445 per eye for laser cataract surgery with an LRI and $1,093 per eye for laser cataract surgery = $1,269 per eye.
  7. Visco D. Comparison of full sterile and nonsterile FLACS procedures in an OR environment. Presented at: Cedars Aspens Annual Meeting; December 8-10, 2022; Scottsdale, AZ.
  8. Nichamin L, Uy H. Choice of fragmentation algorithm impacts the reduction in CDE during cataract surgery. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology; Oct. 17, 2010; Chicago, IL.
  9. Rachel Schneider, MD and Robert J. Weinstock, MD. Effectiveness of Femtosecond Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery and Manual Phacoemulsification during the Learning Curve of Fellows in Training (ASCRS 2023).
  10. Rachel Schneider, MD and Robert J. Weinstock, MD. Prospective, randomized, contralateral eye study of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and manual phacoemulsification (ASCRS 2023).
  11. Visco D. LENSAR Inc.: Lensar® with Streamline III: Successful Refractive Outcomes. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, May 5-9, 2017.

Discover how ALLY can  help your practice thrive.

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